Seed App – Directory of Specific Industries
Adobe PhotoshopAdobe XD CCFigma DesignUI/UX DesignSearch and explore company profiles and discover the services and products they offer. Add your favorite companies to your favorites list and easily communicate with them. Benefit from the Seed App and get a reliable directory of companies in your industry.
Get the Seed App, the app that serves as a directory for companies in specific industries. We have designed an attractive user interface for this app to provide an easy and efficient user experience.
Explore a variety of companies in different industries and get the necessary information to connect with them. Benefit from the Seed App service to facilitate the process of searching and selecting the right companies for your needs.
PhotoshopPSDPWABy Abdullah.Ramadan
Full-Stack DesignerDesign Preview
Discover and connect with the best companies in your industry
Click on the image to watch the full-size.
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